

 PITTSBURGH LOCALS – Pittsburgh Buzz: BuzzNtheBurgh.com, the best online source for the Buzz in the Burgh. BuzzNtheBurgh.com covers all the Burgh’s best Hot Spots.

Pittsburgh Buzz includes: Activities, Things To Do, Restaurants, Shopping, Music, Entertainment, Nightlife and any other Pittsburgh hotspots. BuzzNtheBurgh.com

Pittsburgh Locals


Friday is National Tequila Day, so bust out those Margaritavilles and the salt, it’s time to celebrate this delicious drink.  We put together a full list of place here in the Burgh you can go enjoy this delicious spirit.  So put those party shoes (More...)

Call all of those cute fuzzy Pittsburgh Pets out there! We are looking for the cutest pets in Pittsburgh to be featured on Buzz N The Burgh Pets.

Hey all you lovely BuzzNTheBurgh fans!  Tired of always checking back for new posts?  Wish we had a subscribe  option?  Well now you’re in luck!  Look to the right, yea to the sidebar at the top.  See that pretty input box that says Subscribe? (More...)

Looking to get some fresh ink?  Well why not this Friday on National Tattoo Day?!  That’s right, July 17th is National Tattoo Day, celebrate by going out and getting some fresh ink!

Are you looking to capture that special moment in time with a great photo? Look no further than Angela Kenbok Photography, right here in the Burgh!