
Category : Pittsburgh

Who doesn’t love Halloween?  It’s the one time a year you can dress up & be anything you want to be!!  Pirate, Doctor Who, Ninja, Dog, etc, the list can go on forever!  Well this year that awesome costume can win you a prize!!

Everyone loves representing the Steel City, especially when we aren’t in the Burgh.  When Zachary DiBeradin was studying abroad in Australia he became homesick.  He realized just how much he loved Pittsburgh and everything the city of bridges had to offer.  To help cope with his homesickness he decided to start Steel City Clothing Company.

Pets are furry members of our our family, we want only the best for them.  When it comes to the food, treats we feed them to the toys we let them play with we only want high quality.  Petagogy of Pittsburgh is that pet store, that sells high quality food and pet supplies.  We are […]

Looking for something to do for lunch on the 23rd in the Burgh? Why not go out for hot dogs? A couple hot dogs with a nice cold beer is a great way to celebrate National Hot Dog day. So get out there this Thursday and eat a couple hot dogs! Don’t know where to […]

Friday is National Tequila Day, so bust out those Margaritavilles and the salt, it’s time to celebrate this delicious drink.  We put together a full list of place here in the Burgh you can go enjoy this delicious spirit.  So put those party shoes on & get out there.